Landowner bus tour 2022
Awareness raising site tour for rehabilitation site landowners and managers.
Date: 2022
Client: Department of Agriculture (LandCare)
Services: Awareness raising
CLIENT: Department of Agriculture (LandCare)
LOCATION: Berg & Breede River, Western Cape, South Africa
START: 2022
Intaba partnered with LandCare (a division of the Department of Agriculture, Western Cape) to develop awareness raising events in the form of a bus tours to active rehabilitation sites on the Berg and Breede Rivers. Landowners that had property along these rivers were invited to attend these tours in October 2022.
There were two sessions, one in the Breede River Catchment and one in the upper Berg River Catchment. Each of which where a half day tour with lunch afterwards.
Various challenges with regards to river restoration were observed and discussed, such as the control of alien invasive plants, erosion and flooding. Demonstration sites that are successfully established rehabilitation sites (5yrs old +) were visited and landowners shared their experiences and restoration stories on how their land is being transformed into a more natural state.