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Berg & Breede River Riparian Rehabilitation Project

Intaba was awarded a three year tender by Government to rehabilitate portions of the Berg and Breede River as part of their Berg River Improvement Plan.

Date: May 2016 – March 2019, May 2023 - March 2024

Client: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

Services: Riparian Rehabilitation

CLIENT: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

LOCATION: Berg River (Franschhoek to Hermon), Breede River (Wolseley to Worcester)

START: May 2016 – March 2019; May 2023 - March 2024

Intaba was awarded a three year tender by Government (Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Western Cape) to rehabilitate portions of the Berg and Breede River as part of their Berg River Improvement Plan from 2016 - 2019. And now more recently a one year tender from 2023-2024.

The main aims of the Project are job creation, bank stabilisation, flood attenuation and bio-filtration. Pockets of indigenous shrub (forests) are created and act as seed and propagule banks for the surrounding areas.

Intaba has an a nursery, where plants are grown for the project. This involves the propagation of more 120 000 indigenous plants per year that are to be planted out on the river banks. The sites are monitored on a regular basis and maintenance and alien clearing is undertaken as needed. A staff of +- 20 people assists with the project and are provided training on a regular basis.

The project is implemented on private land and Intaba works in partnership with the landowners in rehabilitating sections of their land that run alongside the river banks. The rehab sites fall within the 1 in a 100 year floodline and are not meant to be cultivated by law, as they buffer flooding events. Within this area, we undertake the rehabilitation and planting of indigenous plants.

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